A man who refuses to take his wife/girlfriend out to dinner. He will only go if they split the bill.
Marco is a dutch jew, he makes her pay for 1/2 of the dinner check.
by CT Finest October 1, 2013
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A metal coin, often given as a promotional item, used to take grocery store carts without needing an actual coin.
Jan: We need a cart for all these groceries, but I don’t have any spare change.
Martin: Here, use my jew coin.
by kadoodles May 5, 2021
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When you are using the Soda fountain at a fast-food restaurant and keep refilling the cup as you drink it, all while standing in front of the machine and hogging it.
Fabian: Yo dawg can you stop fountain jewing? You are holding up the line!
Tyler: Sorry man, I'm thirsty.
by FScottFitzgayreld October 1, 2018
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The ultimate Jew

Is a Jew that is so Jewey, they won't even stoop to pick up pennies as they see them as below them because of how much money they have.
Guy 1: did you see how that douche was talking down to that guy cuz his dad's rich?

Guy 2: yeah, that fucker's definitely a Nickel Jew.
by Evil white man April 23, 2019
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