When you're as high a Jew , I.e Seth Rogan
Damn man you're Jew high right now.
by ToldyaPaola November 22, 2016
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A very irritating person who tends to blame you for things that are absolutely ridiculous.
Person: Oh shit that was my dog in my blankets ive been kicking for 45 minutes
Blame jew: Its your fucking fault you moronic sub-creature failed abortion fucker
Person: woah calm your tits jesus christ
Blame jew: YOU DID 9/11
by Foamyman November 22, 2016
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Instrumental sorcery produced by Jewish Mystics. I.e. Dessert Dwellers, Kalya Scintilla, etc...
Upon arrival at the festival we were immediately sucked in by the wonky Jew-du coming from the speakers.
by Bartholomew Kandinsky November 20, 2017
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A man who refuses to take his wife/girlfriend out to dinner. He will only go if they split the bill.
Marco is a dutch jew, he makes her pay for 1/2 of the dinner check.
by CT Finest October 1, 2013
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A Jew that tries to give you directions when they are obviously wrong.
Magellan's Jew was left on the main land because his directions were obviously wrong and Magellan could not circumnavigate the world with faulty directions.
by jackyp November 11, 2009
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