When a girl is leading you on and it’s working, you turn your ski mask forwards to imply your excited
by IsSyrupARock April 26, 2022
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An epic Minecraft YouTuber who has a very inconsistent YouTube schedule who you should subscribe to
Joe: Have you heard of Forward Gamer?
Sans: Yeah, he makes good content but cant ever upload.
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Expression used to comfort person whose car got destroyed in an accident. Phrase is a combination of four words:
Tovo - misspelled "Toyo", name of the japanese tyre company
Kanjo - Kanjo is a subculture based in Osaka which is centered around Hondas and street racing on one of highway loops.
and forward! - "don't give up and go forward!"
K: Dude I took my Civic for a spin yesterday and yeeted into the fucking guardrail! My Civic is fucking ruined!

C: Mate stop whining! Tovo Kanjo and forward!
by 2137 June 1, 2019
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It's a person who gets something on his/her email or text message then forwards it to a bunch of other people.
Person 1: Yeah so I went to this party last night and (beep beep) Oh hold on phones beeping. Oh I got a text, oh it's from
(Person 3) he's alwys forwarding me emails and text messages

Person 2: Yeah me too! What a Forwarding Monster!
by CaptainJefe March 3, 2010
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I certain type of masterbation when a man buys a animal heart and cuts a hole in it so he may insert his penis. This type of pleasure was invented by the I don't give a f**** in 'Merica.... Now stop making discusting things you nastys!!!
"Heart forward in front of her dude! She will think its sexy"
by Lollybear890 December 3, 2013
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by ryan alves May 25, 2022
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