A powerful, vicious and all consuming itch that paralyizes one's ability to act human and behave like a squirrel for a brief moment to conquer all that is evil inside of their nasal cavity.
Kayta, you're getting squirrel nose again, drink some milk.
by Lefucktard November 17, 2015
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Spotting a lot of people wearing a face mask without covering their nose.
I went to the supermarket today and it was a real nose fest among employees.
by Reschk September 17, 2020
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During Covid times when you saw a white woman wearing a facemask and didn't know the shape of her nose it was all possible variations of a caucasian nose while she was wearing the facemask and you didn't know if she had a good white woman nose or not until she takes of her facemask and you get to see the actual shape of her nose
That white women has a Schrodinger's nose under her facemask I wonder what shape it is
by jamfish December 9, 2022
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1. Noun. Someone who gets into everyone's businesses, they tend to know every single piece of gossip about them.
My mother always knows what is happening in all the neighborhood, what a naughty-nose !!
by Advanced Class November 8, 2016
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The act of sniffing dingleberrys for arousal and or completion
Man i truffle nosed this girl last night she had fucking 3 berrys for sniffing best night of my life
by Shmoodlepoopersuperscooper October 11, 2020
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When a man sticks his penis in a girls ass and when he pulls his dick out shit is on it and then he sticks his dick in the girls nose and cums
by Nick ezzell November 5, 2014
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When your nose runs as you are eating.
Every time I eat Mexican food I get nose drool.
by mbgolfer05 January 10, 2018
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