Money used for the sole purpose of buying a laptop.
Son: Hey Dad, can I have a Laptop?

Dad: You got some Laptop Money?!
by TeeJay5 July 20, 2010
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Dude who has either bigger balls then jupiter or cant afford and pc
"Hey dude i heard he/she is an laptop gamer"
by V1ince cuh fan 69 June 5, 2022
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when someone allocates time to be on their laptop, whether it be to view porn, update their blog, or find the best hotel deal.
We only have a few days to spend together, but I know how much he loves his laptop time... so I've got to adjust my expectations.
by GlazeHer July 18, 2017
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when there are more then one persons with laptop using wifi
many people laptop brawl at starbucks.

today i went to starbucks and was laptop brawling with hella people
by rocket man123 November 24, 2010
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Lunch at the workplace in front of your computer screen. Doing this doesn't normally mean one is able to maintain regular production levels, but in fact, is accompanied by browsing on websites that are considered social in nature, or the "oddspot" section of your regular news source.
Johnny: "Hey, you coming out for lunch today Pete?"
Pete: "Nah mate, i think I am just going to take a laptop lunch today, I'm busting my balls with this deadline."
by Postcolonialboy January 26, 2012
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When a mentally unstable greek man accidentally creates the first self-aware artificial intelligence on his laptop by downloading porn viruses.
Recorded video from unknown origin: "The year is 2100, the sentient laptop has reduced every city into a nuclear wasteland. The rest of us are being picked off one by one"
by Popcorntime69 February 11, 2022
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