While in jail, a maximus black D is inserted into the anus of the jail mate and tears the bottom of the anus to the testicular region and will require stitching.
Joe:"Yo Bubba raped my ass so bad that it tore and I had to get stitches."

Jeff:"Damn sounds like he gave you a Jailhouse C-section."
by TheLegendofAustin November 3, 2012
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Urban Dictionary Person: im bored *adds Urban Dictionary Comment Section*
News Reporter: World peace had been resolved
by Williamthecoolboy June 25, 2022
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I WILL get the newspaper, just
No more.
I'm sorry,
But I'm not.
Enough's enough.
Names Section on Urban Dictionary
by the_laziest_bone May 2, 2017
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A subsection of www.urbandictionary.com that allows you to vote on what definitions are put on the website, this feature seems pretty cool until it makes you vote on the same definition ten times in a row.
*furious clicking sound*
Tim: Aargh!
Kevin: What's wrong?
Tim: My hand is cramping from voting on "Liquor fish" too many times.
Kevin: Why Urban Dictionary voting section, why
by GenericName232 August 13, 2016
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An unplanned cesarean section performed by a person who has intent of raising the child as their own. Perpetrator has already gone to elaborate lengths to stage a "faux preganancy." Due to their families and significant others being addicted to meth, the perpetrator can make it the entire 9 months undetected.
Becky: Damn, Heather where did you get that baby from?
Heather: Well, you know I was pregnant remember?

Becky: I was just making sure that your little bundle of joy didn't come via a Jefferson County C-Section.
by Candice's Momma January 13, 2012
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1. A section of Urban Dictionary where people feel the need to write definitions about their own names to make themselves and those who they wish to have sexual intercourse with feel better.

2. A section of Urban Dictionary that is misused as a burn book to roast someone (usually a person from school) the author doesn’t like.
A few examples of what people do in the Name Section of Urban Dictionary.

1. Jason: “I’m gonna look my name up in the name section on Urban Dictionary.”
Jackson: “What does it say?”
Jason: “‘Jason- Jason is the coolest kid in school and has the biggest penis ever’”
Jackson: “Who would be desperate enough for attention to write their own definition on Urban Dictionary?”
Jason: “Me, you dummy!”

2. Brittany: “OMG this girl named Sally at my school is such a slut. I’m gonna write a definition about her in the name section on Urban Dictionary.”
Becca: “LOL that would be sooooo funny! What will it say?”
Brittany: “Sally- Sally is a slut who is a loser and is ugly. She is also a cow.”
by PissPotPatty April 16, 2018
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Nip Nip in the H section, or Nip Nip for short, is the japanese supernes puzzle game, Heberekes Popoitto.

The word can be used in multiple ways.

Nip Nip skills is how good you are at japanese puzzle games, Nip Nip is also what you call a person playing puzzle games, and the word can simply be added to aynthing for extra emphasise.
My Nip Nip skills are top of the line

Give up the controller Nip Nip

I rule, Nip Nip In The H Section!
by Prieraceae November 8, 2006
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