A fuck so good you can go for another
Ayo i can go for another “fucky fucky
by Monkelover50000 August 22, 2021
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When you're dick gets stuck
I called up my bro and told him im in a bit of a fucky situation
by Blemis October 21, 2022
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1st meaning: Something that should be extremely simple but now it is made even worse by someone’s failed attempt at repairing or fixing it.

2nd meaning: when you’ve been done wrong by something or someone making the situation fucky
Sorry boss I can’t undo this wheel, the tire shops had a fair go at the lug nut and now it’s fucky

Alternative: did you hear Damo’s girlfriend cheated on him last weekend ?, mate that’s fucky.
by Yihp December 30, 2021
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I tried to roll the blunt, but the wrap tore, weed fell out, and it just got all fucky.
by SlitherySylvie March 2, 2018
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it is the combining word of fucking and lucky it means fucking lucky.

blessed lucky
Person 1: Woah, did you win that claw game?
Person 2: Yeah Bro
Person 1: Damn, you fucky, I can never win those.
by sunflowerfeelings April 4, 2018
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When you fucked up so bad that no other word could compare to how badly you fucked up
Fucky fucky fucky fucky fucky fucky fucky fucky fucky
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A word used to describe someone who is beyond high.
Woah Kevin you lookin a bit fucky tonight
by Luketh van dykeus November 22, 2021
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