A homemade bomb; specifically one with a timer.
Better get outta here soon, the alarm clock is gonna go off!
by All Mighty Allah November 9, 2016
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A physiological horror of the morning involving a sound most likely a beep over and over. Used in the CIA as a tactic then removed because it was inhumane.
John had his alarm clock go off this morning. He is now in a mental hospital given drugs because the ptsd is to severe.
by Gototheofficemyfriend October 9, 2022
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A demonic thing that deprives you of what's rightfully yours. A.k.a. sleep
by nigg er face March 18, 2015
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get woken up by it stay in bed for an hour realize the infinite you've gotten yourself into
i got woken up by my alarm clock

I'm gonna now kill myself
by Ol'banana December 6, 2021
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The act of rolling over and clinging to the other person in bed with you when the alarm clock sounds. This type of hug resembles a spoon technique, with a strong resemblance to the way young monkeys cling to their mother in the wild.
When the xylophone alarm clock went off, I gave Sandy the Alarm Clock Monkey Snuggle. I didn't want her to get up, so I pulled her close as she hit the snooze button.

When the alarm clock went off, I scrambled to give her the Alarm Clock Monkey Snuggle to get a few more minutes of time before going to work.
by Flightnursejim December 3, 2013
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Walking into someone's room while they're sleeping with a frying pan in one hand and a wooden spoon in the other hand and proceeding to bang them together whilst inside the room.
#1: Hey bro you look tired.
#2: Yeah. My sister gave me a military alarm clock this morning.
by bossofpiza November 23, 2016
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