When you do something stupid or mess up, you say shucks. Or if you just want to say shucks, say it.
by Arthurismydaddybish September 24, 2017
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A word commonly used in the maze runner meaning commonly as “shit” and“fuck
Hey get back here you stupid shuckhead!!
Shuck!! I lost my wallet!!
by Skinnaeboi March 27, 2019
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A person intimidated or scared by another person. It's more of a slang term than an everyday word.
Friends watching a fight. Look at Jayden, he's shaking, he's proper shuck!
by STM Y8 January 30, 2016
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A word created when shit and fuck are morphed together, to make shucks. Usually used to express annoyance and/or displeasure.
Aww shucks, that was my last can of beer.
by Blover2169 November 4, 2016
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a shortent version of the phrase "SHIT SUCKS"
hb guy: she just broke up with me...
me: shucks man... drinks on me...
by pussydesrtoyer16193 March 16, 2019
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