The most amazing person in the world. Scratch that, in space and everything that ever exsisted. He's a brilliant boyfriend who's always there to lay a smile upon my face. He's sweet, funny, an idiot (in a good way), totally original (also in a good way), a deep thinker, unpredictable and will always exceed your expectations. I'm quite possibly the luckiest girl ever to be with him. Stephen.. Remember that name as the name of the most spectacular person to ever walk this Earth. Stephen... My Stephen.
Stephen is super epic and everything an amazing man should be!
by crazy for senor February 2, 2010
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a person who enhales his food. iloveyoustephen. =
stevo bestiessss

stephen =O
by Riaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa September 20, 2008
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An amazing person. Very lovable and funny with a great sense of style. Very attractive on the inside and out. Portrayed tough but is a giant softie on the inside. Very popular with many friends and the biggest heart ever. Very outgoing and fun to be around. Love easily, but once you have their heart they are yours forever. Great lovers and connectors who understand you; do not judge. Very intelligent, sometimes too intelligent. Crazy, fun times are all you should expect from a Stephen!
Have you seen Stephen? He is so cute and funny!
I want Stephen. He is so cute!
by AdorableKoala November 26, 2016
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When a person has an gicantic uncontrollable facial spazom, one that can't help but be laughed at.
"Woah tha guy has a terrible case of the twitches..." "Lmfao he's Stephening!"
by iDisturbed January 17, 2009
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a tall skinny guy, a sex crave for sure. couldl get anyone he wants, major player but nobody cares because he's so damn sexy.
girl: stephen and i screwed last night.
other girl: oh really i screwed him last night too.
by Abbriellle February 22, 2009
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Funny sayings for everyday nothings in our lives; truisms in creative expressions and songs
The Country song "I wouldn't have a girl that would have me" was Stephenisms number one hit.
by the heart lady July 11, 2008
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Girl one: Hey who’s that new guy in our AP class?
Girl Two: Who him? Oh That’s stephen.
by KickRocksSuckCocks November 23, 2021
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