An event that occurs when you go to subway to grab you and your girl a foot-long, take it to your/her place. 5 minutes into subway and chill is when sexual behavior begins to occur.
bf: "hey girl, I just bought us a sub, wanna eat some subway and chill?"
gf: "ok, I'll get my clothes off"
bf: "why"
gf: "what do you mean why? You bought me a sub so we fuck now."
by Subway and Chill September 2, 2015
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The act of choking someone till they pass out whilst jacking them off.
Man she kinky as fuck, she pulled a blackjack and chill on me out of nowhere.
by January 28, 2021
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To relax; be easy.

Identical to chill out but with a better vibe and no negative connotation.
Chill down Contessa, my dude. Everything is going to be gravy.
by Aristopholes August 9, 2021
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sriracha&chill is when a white guy prison has his ass sold to a black group for a bottle of sriracha and that same bottle is used as lube for the rape to welcome him to his new hard time
sriracha&chill yelled the inmates as the newly stripped inmate arrived
by sanxity September 16, 2019
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A mental and full body cringe or shudder, in an involuntary manner, stemming from the disdain of a douche
With his frosted tips, goatee, and Affliction t-shirt, I couldn't help but get automatic douche chills
by Jackabeee February 3, 2020
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When one chills in thy domicile. Preferably with others
When is this domicile chill happening?
by May 17, 2023
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Cello and Chill is in reference to Netflix and Chill. When a cello player asks someone to Cello and Chill, the interaction has an implied sexual nature.
Travis: Hey, Hannah, do you want to Cello and Chill later?
Hannah: How about we start Cello and Chill right now?
by CelloandChill December 17, 2019
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