39 definitions by sanxity
glory lemming is a term used for mass media outlets in which they pair up celebrities with nobodies to give them a glimpse of glory
by sanxity June 15, 2019
dicing is when you fart in one corner of the room walk to the other corner of the room fart then the next corner until you have been all over the room and your gas is everywhere
by sanxity July 3, 2019
white wallop is a gang initiation where the man has to cover his face with the cum of the dogs from german hotplate and then get blood in from his gang
by sanxity June 11, 2019
tired of that hard wood flooring raising the cost of insulation you need jesus can help 666 777 0909
by sanxity July 3, 2019
stubhub a sick collection of videos where you watch people stub their toes and scream out in pain for laughter and fetish purposes
by sanxity March 30, 2019
german hotplate is a gang initiation in which the women must commit sexual acts with five or six dogs and after wrap her face in plastic wrap and smudge around in dog feces getting it all up in her hair she then has to act as if her shit don't stink and all the men want her
by sanxity June 11, 2019