To get 'potatoed' or be in a 'potato' state usually refers to taking a slight overdose of MDMA caps or similar substance. One enters a state of potato or vegetable where the mind no longer references the regular world and only roots the munted state.
If entered in pairs or groups one can often only see the other participant as an actual raw potato on the couch, chair or public infrastructure.
"Fuck mate im potatoed!"
Jesus bruv... you are potatoed right now
by leopardskinpants January 21, 2015
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The mightiest of all tubers... perhaps even of all vegetation.
My brother once told me that my "lust for starchy food products was unquenchable" after seeing me make baked potatoes as a late night snack for the third consecutive night.
by Bythorsbeard January 20, 2005
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A Food that grows in the ground and has more uses than any other edible object!
Want some mashed potatos,fried potatos, potato soup, potato salad, or perhaps youd like some potato caserole or how about some potato...
by Spoonermosimousis October 28, 2003
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A retard. Someone of low intelligence. May claim higher intelligence.
by Liberty rockstar July 1, 2015
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Definition 1:

A potato is a starchy vegetable high in carbohydrates which can be either boiled, mashed or used to compliment a meal

Definition 2:

The code word used for initiate a gang rape session.
Definition 1:

Mum: Cooking dinner

Son: Can I have an extra potato?

Definition 2:

Person 1: POTATO on Zac!!!
Zac: Oh no
by thebigpenis42069 January 29, 2017
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Server administrators who like to let you know how powerful and how much better than you they are by abusing their powers.
Potato: !Ban l33t for being better than me and therefore having an aimbot.
Potato: !change name Wolfplayer to Ilovepotato
Potato: !putteam all my friends on my team even though the teams are stacked.
Potato: !admintest
Potato: !admintest
Potato: !admintest
by Mashed Potato January 19, 2005
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The explicit sexual act of an octogenarian plugging the glory hole of a young looking slutty, sexually perverse whore. During this act of perversion
the old man must slap the whore repeatedly on the ass and scream at the top of his lungs "Yeah Yaaah!"
"She got mouthy, so I went all potatoes on her. That stopped her incessant complaining."

"That bitch said she liked it rough, I assumed she meant dirty too. I passed her off to an old timer, and he went all potatoes on her."
by The MI Shocker December 3, 2013
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