The last great musician to walk the planet, after he died so did music.
Kurt Cobain was a great man of music no doubt not from me or anyone else.
by titdirt April 11, 2008
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The lead singer of grunge band Nirvana. Although a crappyguitar player (which he himself admited) he is a master song writer and singer. He commited suicide in 1994 because he was too famous, and the fame he got was from the wrong kind of people. He is missed by his fans and his wife (Courtney) who he loved very much.
Kurt Coabin is another example of a great left handed guitarist.
by Snipe September 26, 2004
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He was the greatest musician ever who wrote the greatest songs ever to be made. he is a legend and was the most beautiful man ever.
as if nobody will ever compare to Kurt Cobain
by Nic March 8, 2004
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Guy 1: Bro you ok? You seem a bit off lately
Guy 2: Yeah my head is feeling like Kurt Cobain’s
Guy 1: Damn I’m sorry bro
by Vandalized April 1, 2019
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If the passenger seat in a car is called shotgun, then is the seat behind it called the Kurt cobain?
by IDFKMON March 20, 2020
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A troubled man with a heart of gold
"Holding my baby is the best drug in the world" - Kurt Cobain
by Somethinguy December 1, 2018
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The seat behind shotgun in the vehicle your about to ride in.
Guy: shotgun...
Girl: Kurt cobain then.
Guy: what’s that??
Girl: the seat behind shotgun(you)
by Giuseppe1988 October 12, 2019
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