I got my frags(kills), Usually used in context of multiplayer FPS games. In games like Rainbow Six Siege or CS:GO, where there is same amount of people in your and enemy team. There is a funny analogy that If everyone gets one frag(kill), the team will win. And when the team looses, the person who got a kill be like "I got my frags".
I don't know why we lost that round, don't blame it on me, I got my frags.
by Potato__Ninja April 29, 2020
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An awesome burn, usually in chat for a video game.
Person 1: You suck!
Person 2: Your mom sucked last night!
Person 3: Chat fragged!
by MadChatFragger May 18, 2011
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Anything that is, Bends, Brakes, or just plain old fragile.
Handle that package with care, it's EXTREME care it's VERY Frag-able.
by Mason Dixon6977 February 18, 2021
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The state of being a modicum of your human self, to the point very simple tasks become incomprehensible, such as being in a scarecrow state.
"Mate, I'm way too fragged to play Blister in the Sun for the 40th time today."
by DJFraginator July 14, 2023
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Annoyed at someone or something; sometimes upset in a funny way.
Girl one: "Is Laura fragged at me? She's been ignoring me all dayyyyyy..."
Girl two: "Idkkk it's Laura"
by groovyraccoon January 21, 2020
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To get wasted (Completely destroyed by drugs/alcohol)
I got absolutely fragged at the party last night.
by Controlled.Chaos115 June 13, 2015
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davis arnold (upset on fort)
jackmase yaint even frag bruh yaint the goat of frag like me bruh
by supyoheyhi January 11, 2021
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