Commonly used to describe someone who is high due to marijuana use, zooked is interpreted differently from region to region.

In some Toronto neighborhoods, zooked is described as the feeling after the high, when you are tired, and almost completely out of energy. In most cases, the higher you are, the more energy you will lack later.
"Fam, I'm soooo zooked I can't even stand up"

"Yo I shouldn't have even smoked that 3g spliff to the face, manz got high but I'm too zooked right now"
by Tdot Flight 43 November 26, 2019
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the process of one smelling so bad that everyone thinks that there is a dumpster coming, or oneself looking so ugly and so alien like that nobody wants to go near them unless they're sending them off to the moon

Basically this word makes no sense at all, so it makes sense in every way you try to use it... you fuckin' zook
1) You fuckin' zook, I want to puke all over your face

2) I zooked the shit out of her last night
by China Doll 69 January 18, 2012
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1) The process of pulling a wedgie out of the arse area.

2) Past form: Zooked

Invented by four bored Year 10 Students in an English lesson in Surrey (2003)
1) I need to zook

2) I just zooked
by Holly18UK November 29, 2006
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The sound you make when you shove a slightly squishy pickle fully up your ass
Make me zook like one of your french girls
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" a shorter name for Bazooka in the popular worms} series " -also used in some other game titles
" i just wasted that guy with the zook!"
by Jonny November 10, 2003
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interchangeable with bro, man, dude, leo, etc.

très chill
"aii leo!"
"sup zooks?"
by krizN July 22, 2009
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