The Working Man: A person who is paid minimum wage for doing excess labor.

Or possibly the counterpart of a 'working girl', therefore a man-slut.

Or both.

The Working Man: "Kyle is a working man! Please do not talk to him! He is very busy!!! >:C"
by Mikeinel October 20, 2008
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Some one who doesn't take oppurtunities to get ahead; too honest The opposite of a hustler
A bus driver who works 9-5 5 days a week compared to a club promoter who runs the local gambling ring.

"The Working Man is a Sucka!"
by Crankshot7 June 6, 2007
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When you use the fact that your a working class man or woman to get access to something or avoid something used on other working class people.

For example telling a ticket guard that you need to get to work and cant afford a ticket

not always used to get to work
Look i know i didnt buy a ticket but i really need to get to work cant you just let this slide?

I pulled a working man on the construction man and he let me drive through the closed road

by horsebo February 21, 2009
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When you wear the same pair of shoes to work everyday and after a period of time the shoes start to curl starting from the toe. Only men who work hard will obtain the working man curl.
Damn son those must be your work boots cuz they got the working man curl.
by goldilocks1026 December 13, 2010
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bending over and showing the crack of your ass when your pants/jeans slide down.
bending over after walking or working and couldnt be bothered to pull your dacks up, and showing your ass crack.My daughter bent over, i could see her work mans cleavage, so i told her if she doesnt pull her jeans up ill drop an ice cube down her work mans cleavage, she didnt so i did.
by Glitter Girl May 3, 2006
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Another term for methaphetamine (crystal meth)
Dude I think I'm having a stroke from all that working man's cocaine.
by Diana Stephens October 28, 2004
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a blumpkin is the most typical example
other include getting a blowjob while getting a haircut, eating breakfast, reading a book, or a combination of the 3
i was really late for work this morning so my wife performed a working man's blowjob to make sure i wasnt late but left pleasured
by alig3fome February 19, 2010
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