One with an enormously large penis could potentially spaff a city, sending skyscrapers tumbling (imagine if the planes that flew into the World Trade Center were a giant penis--that would be a a city-spaffing.)


He finished rocking the crib with a swift spaff of the baby.
by Nate March 11, 2005
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to slap your dick on a womans face (the other definitions are wrong)
I spaffed your mother last night. She received a good spaffing.
by o_O~ April 21, 2004
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To wake up in the morning with a huge amount of Facebook notifications and finding out that one person has 'liked' every comment you made the previous day.
I have just been Spaffed
I am getting a Spaffing as we speak
by Jelly Pumpernickel October 4, 2012
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To ejaculate, usually into or onto something (more than likely an innanimate object)
Id love to spaff in that kettle.

Ill happily spaff on that bints toast.
by Big-OH January 23, 2009
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1. (n.) Sperm

2. (v.) to Sperm

3. (v.) to fuck up
1. I find bounty to be the only truly effective method of absorbing my spaff.

2. Oh my god, I'm so sorry but I've spaffed in your otherwise delicious macaroni cheese.

3. You've proper spaffed that up. Boyo.
by Thos October 2, 2004
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A Goof, a Gaff, and a Laff that are brought together through powerful otherworldly means, creating a Spaff.
Jake: "Watching Zarna accuse Hugh Mungous of harassment and getting shut down was such a spaff!"
Logan: "Totally bro!"
by BagelBeater July 14, 2017
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