Screen ON Time

Duration of a device's battery (usually a phone) while the screen is on.
My iPhone only has a SOT of 3 hours, I need to carry an additional battery.
by Tadding May 30, 2020
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Stands for "Secret Off Topic." An internet forum that formed as a result of oppressive moderators and hypocritical game developers. One must be sponsored by a current member in order to gain access, hence the "secrecy."
I cannot wait to join SOT so I can free my mind and escape the tyrannical rule of commie mods.
by Mogris April 26, 2006
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A person male or female who sits around all the time and deliberatly drinks themselves to insanity. They spend all their time either drinking or finding ways to get drunk. But usually the life of any party.
by Courtney Vessell July 14, 2008
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Sex on Trail

Having sex while laying a running trail for hashers to follow.
by Rock & Hard-on January 9, 2014
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Stands for "single or taken". Used when you find a hot girl online.
by xXMcLovinXx July 23, 2017
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to be sad and hot. No matter how sad the person is, if they turn you on- it is SOTNESS
by Well I am not june February 12, 2009
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They're making another CG/live action reboot of an 80's cartoon. Sots
by Natural20 August 3, 2011
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