The part of the body that helps produce fluids for semen.
My prostate don't work, so I got dry sperm.
by Dick Tater January 28, 2006
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They stick they finger in they booty hole.
Jame: Yo what’s a prostate exam again?
Ben: They stick they finger in they booty hole.
by M O I S T December 11, 2021
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1) The male gland situated next to the colon that is responsible for semen production.

2) The Tire Kingdom Southeast Regional Manager who is a completely incompetent boob and has no respect whatsoever for his employees.
1) Excuse me if I'm walking funny today, my girlfriend tickled my prostate last night.

2) Prostate came down from the central office today and tried to throw his weight around, and ended up just leaving a mess behind him.
by TKEmployee September 23, 2006
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prostate it is shit inside male body for something gross to produce

it may dry if man will be rare get laid
it was be long time for John, that he prostate start to rot
by wattawat September 8, 2020
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Prostate Exam is an exam where a doctor digitally examines your prostate.
Guy -Hey man, when I went to my Prostate Exam and you said it was a digital exam, you really should have specified that digital meant his fingers and not numbers.
Friend- You ok?
Guy- I don’t wanna talk about it
by DD Alwhiney May 19, 2019
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That feeling you get when you see or feel something that makes you horny. It often Pre-empts a Boner. It is felt in the perineum (gooch) for a brief split second. You can only experience this if you have a penis (to my knowledge) also known as penis base fizz.
I came across a pair of titties that I quite enjoyed and the result of this was prostate fizz.
by TheRobe February 12, 2013
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