The Southeast quadrant of Washington, DC. A place of decent homes and rampad crime. A place where you can purchase weed and get a head job all for under $50.

See "Soufeast".
Yo, I am going to Soufeast to pick me up some weed.

See "Soufeast".
by 12 Gauge to the Membrane December 30, 2004
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Between South and East, diametrically opposite North West on a compass.
Camper 1: Dude, we're so heading Southeast!
Camper 2: Rock on!
by Sir H4x May 19, 2003
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The worst area of any city, anywhere.
I live in southeast.

by Angelacia June 20, 2007
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Located in the worst part of Bradenton, Florida (Samoset) Southeast high is a pretty shitty school considering how many of the students dropout or blaze it like wiz kalifa
Dude I just scored some dank bud from Southeast High
by Shitty_Cities September 11, 2018
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The ghetto school in FL where all they have is lockdowns, fights and cooties 🤣🤣🤣
You go to Southeast High? Imagine 😭
by nuggetx September 3, 2021
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Contrary to popular belief, northern England is no better then the south. Many people see the north of England as the deep south of the USA, south east England can be seen as the California. It's a sunny warm place the people are quite laid back and just go with the flow. They also love to have a good time, house parties, you name it. Quite a wild place, The south coast is made up of many beaches, sandy or stony and the people love to spend most of their free time there, southeast England is a wonderful place.
Southeast England should be visited at least once is your lifetime.
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The southeastern quadrant of Portland, a metropolis in the Northwestern United States. The SE is one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city with low levels of high school graduation and college diplomas. A predominately low-income White and Hispanic quadrant, the SE has the worst ranked schools, cheap housing compared to the rest of town, high crime, high use of drugs (cocaine, heroine), gang shootings and is the farthest from the downtown area. Despite this, some parts are tolerable and many people live the typical Portland lifestyle but the SE quadrant is still plagued by crime, drugs, theft, low-incomes and horrendous schools. It's not Detroit or Compton but it's not a place you'll want to be at night :).
Random Person: Yo, where are you from?
SE Portland resident: SE Portland, close to Gresham
Random Person: ohh shit, damn bro not the best part of the city, ehh
Southeast Portland: Yea
by Pdxguy123 August 17, 2016
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