when a male wipes back-to-front after pooping, resulting in poop getting all of their penis and testicles.
carl: “why do they call bob poop dick?”
billy: “bro cus he wipes back to front after he takes a shat so he gets it all over his shaft.”
by TheOrdinaryB October 21, 2018
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branden's biomembrane is lookin like quite a poop dick today.
by bee rye ahn June 12, 2007
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In addition to the other definitions listed...

(noun) a man who engages in anal sex with any other; the giver; the aggressor.

(transitive verb) to poop dick someone would be to penetrate the poo cutter of another.
(noun) Is that poop dick? Yeah! That's him alright! And that's poop dick's victim.

(transitive verb) I poop dicked a girl for the first time last night, but she didn't much enjoy it.
by elegantmaskwithafeather August 16, 2008
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a poopdick is one who engages in gay sex. therefore he is a poopdick.
dude john had sex with bill.
Really? i didnt know he was a poop dick
by kmill February 15, 2007
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A man's penis that is so long that it will either dip or lay in the bowl of a toilet when he is defecating
That boy's got a poop dick...poor bastard.
by Grmmus T Willikins April 26, 2006
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n. A black man's very large unshapely black penis that resembles a log of shit.
"Oh Brianne, I heard you fucked Jamaal."
"Yeah, Jenny, it was pretty good, except for his fucking poop dick."
by yondaddy January 20, 2008
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