When you hear this phrase, it means drop everything you're doing because we about to start the prank calls and the MF work is about to given out to anyone and everyone. Prank calls are usually the move for capping off the night. We roll out our best two callers, Henry and Shea, and then we also have York but he's just a filler, you don't really want him running the show....then again you never really want a tard fam member running anything. You know it's about to get epic when the niggas on the other end start yelling because at that point they're just asking for it. Once we get into a back and forth, you already know we coming out on top.
Ray Naker: Aye Henry, it's that time of the day, you trying to hand out work?
Henry: Shiii, bet, let me take a dab real quick first
by TurnM3Up July 27, 2020
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When someone beats another person to the point of unconsciousness, usually in reference to a fist fight such as those seen in viral videos
Did you see the video of that old man who got harassed by some punk teenagers? He got fed up and started handing out naps.
by IntellectualRapist November 16, 2016
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When someone beats you a contest or game (usually cards) extremely badly. Originating from the game Shithead, where one can be made to pick up so many cards that they must put their cigarette down to hold them all.
by The Hylander July 11, 2018
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What a less-than-honorable person WOULD like to hear --- i.e., "Approach me and I'll give you money, food, or something else desirable" --- rather than the stern "show yourself peaceably" command uttered by a firearm-wielding lawman.
Delinquent teen in the overnight lock-up: So... what got YOU in trouble?
Second delinquent teen: Oh, I was out raisin' Hell the other night, and Johnny Law showed up, so I ducked into a dark alley and hid behind a dumpster. I didn't hear the cop properly when he called to me --- I thought he'd said, "Come **up** with your hands **out**," so I stupidly dashed right out and ran up to him with my eager hands held out, thinking he was gonna give me a hamburger or pass me a few bucks... instead, he merely slapped da cuffs on me!
by QuacksO September 9, 2018
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A catchphrase u say when something is about to or will go terribly wrong or weird.
Caleb: did you hear that Orlando is dating lianis!?

John: Things Just Got out of Hand
by Caleb Cummins August 26, 2022
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A different meaning of being pressed for no reason; mad off of nothing; angry from simple/bland questions
Man 1: yo charles, what happened to you and ole girl?

Charles: why the fuck you wanna know what happened to me and ole girl stay in yo lane.

Man 2: yo take your hands out your drawls charles he was just asking a question.
by MezzoFye October 27, 2022
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The term “handing out pamphlets” is a saying by that means someone was spreading information for negative or illogical reasons
I told her about my break up and she started “handing out pamphlets” at the reunion
by Ball player October 5, 2023
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