A term made up by Elon Musk for anyone who disagrees with him.
The woke mind virus threatens interplanetary life, and must be stopped if I am ever going to succeed!” -Elon Musk
by snowszn December 12, 2022
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An infectious addiction that spreads through the Internet. No known escape except to not start.
Boy 1: you should play minecraft with me and dani! It's awesome.

Boy 2: nah you've caught the minecraft mind virus.
by It's just that kid you allkno. January 15, 2012
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According to right wing and conservative ideas, this is a metaphorical disease that causes "wokeness".

Wokeness is an ill-defined term which essentially has no definition, but it's used to describe things that right wing/conservatives using it don't like, and that they believe left wing and liberal people do like.

Examples of things that are often called woke include:

-Minorities existing in media with ratios more than you'd see in an average real life equivalent of that scenario.
-Minorities which the person calling it 'woke' doesn't believe exist (usually trans or non-binary people) appearing in media.
-A minority the person calling it 'woke' doesn't like not being portrayed as bad.
-Perceived pandering to groups the person calling it 'woke' doesn't like.
-Really just minorities being portrayed, like, generally.
The Woke Mind Virus is infecting our youth!

Join the war against the Woke Mind Virus!

"Woke Mind Virus" is genuinely the funniest buzzword I've ever heard I still can't believe it's used unironically.
by Am I Steve? June 18, 2023
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starving to watch Netflix as soon as you wake up, rather than doing something that is productive for your life and for your health.
"The woke mind virus is making Netflix unwatchable" - Elon Musk
by thatintelligentguy April 20, 2022
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