When someone who won't shut up, with their drivel, they talk so much, and being in their presence makes your head hurt.
The renovated Soldier Field is giving me a headache, does anyone have a parcel of aspirin?
by Saints September 16, 2003
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What boyfriends/girlfriends become after a few months.
Annie: How's it going with you and Rob? It's been like 7 months already, yeah?
Chelsea: God, he is such a headache!
by evil_gumball April 18, 2011
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That pain that begins accumulating inside your head after dealing with the opposite sex for to long. More so, men dealing with woman.
Ho, you given me a headache
by Kreese16 October 2, 2019
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The main cause of a bad headache is a person with the name Jd
Jd came and gave me a headache by talking shit
by Supernova_funny July 13, 2019
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Can be cured by talking to a friend on webcam
staring at the screen of your computer will give you a headache
by Chicken McNigilson April 26, 2013
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