a device used to aid in flabulating.
Tom, can you get the flabulator from the closet?
by dnice March 30, 2005
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The beauty queen gained twenty pounds, but she still looked flabulous.
by audiopulp February 17, 2011
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So excessively fabulous that it's a little overweight in fabulousness.

"ZOMG my lolcat just had fifteen kittehs!"

"ZOMG that's flabulous!!"
by RedSonya March 23, 2009
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Adj. Of fat flesh, to make a farting noise. See flabulence.
She shifted uncomfortably, her flabulent buttocks blupping gracelessly on the smooth seat of her molded plastic toadstool hoverchair.
by GlenCallenderUFA June 17, 2009
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A term to kindly describe a 'plump' person's looks. Often used as sarcasm.
Woman: Don't I look beautiful?!
Other Person: You look...flabulous!
by IgPig April 25, 2014
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1) An insult towards an overweight person, taken from BBC sitcom The Office where main character David Brent mentions the term amongst insults shouted at him in the street. A play on words towards another BBC sitcom 'Absolutely Fabulous'.

2) A backhanded compliment.
by Bobby Gigi April 19, 2008
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Someone who is fat and fabulous. Too much fabulous and/or flab to be contained in one word.

A word to Embrace and Empower people everywhere.
*sung as a replacement for glamourous in Fergies Glamourous*

Girl your so flabulous I love it.
by Aisling Flabulous McL December 26, 2017
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