6 definitions by GlenCallenderUFA

Adj. Of fat flesh, to make a farting noise. See flabulence.
She shifted uncomfortably, her flabulent buttocks blupping gracelessly on the smooth seat of her molded plastic toadstool hoverchair.
by GlenCallenderUFA June 17, 2009
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A person who has an irrational fear of smartphones.
Don't get him a Blackberry Bold, he's a total smartphobe.
by GlenCallenderUFA March 26, 2009
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The name "Glen" (or "Glenn") means "valley dweller" or "from the valley". It is derived from the Gaelic "gleann" and Welsh "glynn", meaning "valley".
Glen was born in a glen, so we named him Glen.
by GlenCallenderUFA March 24, 2009
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A person who has an irrational fear and hatred of iPhones, iPods and similar high-tech personal electronic devices.
He's such an iPhobe, he didn't even have a cell phone until 2009--and that's only because I gave it to him.
by GlenCallenderUFA March 26, 2009
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n. A person of any sexual orientation who enjoys non-sexual body contact (e.g. massage, cuddling) with members of both sexes.

adj. Displaying bisensual characteristics.

(bisexual + sensual = bisensual)

also bisensuals, bisensuality
“I only have sex with men, but I’ll cuddle with anybody. I guess you could say I’m (a) bisensual.”

“Everyone was massaging everyone else. It was totally bisensual.”
by GlenCallenderUFA March 24, 2009
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Farting noise made not by air exiting the anus, but by air escaping from between folds of fat, or from between fat flesh and a smooth surface, such as a molded plastic chair.
"You farted. I heard it."

"No, that was merely flabulence."

"Thank God."
by GlenCallenderUFA June 17, 2009
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