A group of radical terrorists that want to restrict everything. Their brains are made of malic acid, and they can't do anything but rate games with totally outrageous ratings.
Person: Hello ESRB, I am complaining about your outrageous ratings
ESRB: Kill him!
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A self-regulatory organization within the video game industry that assigns age and content ratings to games even though there's never been a valid study in human history that links violent or sexual content in media to social deviancy.
Hey, maybe we should start a self-regulatory organization like the ESRB within the ladder industry to assess the likelihood of people walking under them.
by TrippinBeans December 19, 2010
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An organization that is meant to help parents that want to know what their kids playing. However, too many Jesus-fish SUV driving Soccer Moms tink that it needs to be extremely restricting, and that it should be used in abscence of the parents actually sitting down and playing the game for 10 minutes, which would give them a better idea of what to expect, then any ESRB rating ever could.
ESRB ratings are helpful, but should always should be used to assist a buying decision for parents, not decide one.
by 1337 October 27, 2003
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The esrb is a group of people who strike terror into the hearts of gamers. they prevent people are under 17, to play 17+ games that also people who are 17+ have no interest in. they believe that your maturity level is judged by how many days you lived, not by your intellect.

esrb must be stopped now

with your help we can.
15 year old that is actually MATURE enough to play M games:

"Can i have this game?"

cashier: "How old are you"

teen: 15

cashier: come back when you are 17

anti-esrb man: it's esrb's faults!!!!!
by sum gamer February 7, 2010
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The system that made us play The Simpsons: Hit & Run instead of GTA: San Andreas.
kid: hey mom! can i get this game, its really fun!
mom: no sweetie.
kid: why mom?
mom: the ESRB rating says Mature 17+
by Sack o' Flaps February 11, 2019
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Hilary's Bitch. They protect the world's children from games and pixilated nipples that weren't supposed to be in their hands anyway.
"Thank god we don't have to act like real parents, now we have the ESRB"
by Daki July 24, 2005
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Group that was VOLUNTARILY founded by game publishers to reduce the political heat generated by violent games. Does NOT mandate the sales of M rated games to minors, retailers do. The ESRB's flaw is that the panel's of reviewers who watch footage of games are almost entirely non-gamers. Also, the rating levels are a bit hipocritical if you know how to walk the line.
(Lots of violence can be had in a T rated game, but blood almost certainately guarantees a M rating. Much like the MPAA's hipocracy of rating a film R after the second "fuck" or when used to mean sex.)
Dissafected 13 year old suburban freak: I wish to buy this M rated game and I WANT IS RIGHT NOOOOW!

Clerk: Are you 17, that is the store policy?

by PeaTearGriffin March 21, 2005
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