
Put a limit on
He wasn't trying to restrict her activities
by Rocky lie March 8, 2016
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Generally used when talking about eating disorders, meaning restricting food intake.
"Have you been restricting again?"
by RaaAaAad af June 11, 2015
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When you can't log into your account.
James: "Why can't we play multiplayer?"
Viktor: "I'm restricted."
by snopmannen03 February 4, 2018
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When something stops you from attending an event.
Shiv: I can't come to the park today. I've got to help my mum.
Laura: Arrrrr restricted!!
by Laura Kayliegh Pearse May 11, 2008
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It's basically restricted but a different word.
The park is restrictive to go in. (I hate this example)
by Max_smith231 September 22, 2020
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1. When you can't do something
2. When a person cannot get to class
3. A bear
4. A person who likes Ice Mountain
Girl: Hey Restrictions
Boy: Why do you call me Restrictions?
Girl: Go look it up.
by Leila976545678 July 4, 2011
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What they put you on when you go to crap boarding schools like me. They take away things you NEED to do for no reason.
Me: Yeah, uh, I'm HAVE to get part-time job, so from now on I'll have to leave after school every couple days for a few hours.
Advisor-guy: You can't do that.
Me: What? Why can't you guys let me?
Advisor-guy: Because.. uh.. we like to suck dick.
by bty July 11, 2004
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