Alcoholic beverage consisting of Rum, Vodka,and Orange Juice.
This is the recipe of the drink that inspired the beastie boys to write Brass Monkey. It's a popular drink to have when your in high school. And I mean "IN" school. Teachers and faculty can't detect the smell of alcohol over the orange juice.
by Jayson Lewellyn December 20, 2003
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Brass monkey is the perfect hangover drink. It is proven to cure any kinds of morning afters. Basically it consists of 0.25 part of Orange juice added to 0.75 part of beer. Any kind you like, seriously at this point, who cares? Beer and OJ can also be consummed in a good ammount. Be careful, in a case of tequila hangover, wich might not be that bad, brass monkeys will feel very normal and WILL get you drunk in the morning. Just take that in consideration.
Example No1
-Brass monkey?

Example No2 (most common one)
-Still got beers?
-yep a couples.
-Got orange juice?
-Should we mix them together?
-YEAH!! Let's call that a Brass Monkey!!
-It's on.
by Nothingtodo01 January 28, 2012
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old naval term, brass monkey is for the canon ball holders.
by Anonymous September 26, 2003
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used as an adjective describing extreme cold temperatures

from the adage "cold enough to freeze the balls off of a brass monkey"

A: Wanna go out for a walk?
B: No way, man, it's brass monkeys out there!
by cyberpope67,BC,Canada January 24, 2008
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hard-boiled slang for a burden or handicap, akin to an albatross around one's neck or a mark of shame
"A prison record is a handicap, a brass monkey perched from the back of every man we choose. If the man starts giving us trouble, we simply turn that brass monkey against him. If a man turns from us, we add a full-scale smear campaign to the handicap of his prison record, and the man is ruined for life. Society will accept a man with one brass monkey, like a prison record, but two? Never." "The Brass Monkey," I was a Communist for the FBI, air date 4-9-53
by Crassius June 24, 2021
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you give someone a brass monkey when your hands are cold from either dipping them in ice water or holding a cold beer and then cup their genitalia in your freezing palms.
i totally snuck up behind tom and gave him a brass monkey after holding that cold one all night
by luckyfemur May 18, 2009
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