The mascot for Rensselaer Central Schools sometimes referred to as Bomber Bob. Their colors are black and red.
The Bombers are doing great this year.

I love Bomber Bob!
by 14435 April 6, 2009
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a guy who gets a lot of girls; those girls are then called the first letter of their name with bomb. example if your name is Allie you would be a-bomb
Man Mikey is such a bomber!

I know! He got with so many girls

by Solel Eleven August 24, 2011
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Term of endearment, popularized by Italian soccer player Bobo Vieri, which means goal scorer
Jesse: What’s good bomber
Chad: what’s up boss, how’s the family?
by wrorty December 9, 2021
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A person that regularly gets 'bombed' meaning they consume drugs, specifically cocaine at a party. A person that heavily partakes in such drug consuming activities is known as a bomber.
Jimmy: "Man, last night's party was absolutely wild. I took so much cocaine."
John: "Damn dude, you got totally bombed!"
Jimmy: "Yeah, I think it was a bit too much."
John: "Well you are known as The Bomber at parties..."
by mixmax007 February 28, 2022
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A person who modifies diesel engines for increased performance in their respective application.
The bombers are having get together at the drag strip this weekend.
by lumberjack1986 January 3, 2010
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Rock Climbing Term meaning very safe or secure.
That anchor I just set up is bomber.

Dude, that hold is bomber.
by JPJJMF August 20, 2006
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A comical toilet game. Involves sitting on top of the cubical separators of a communal toilet (most often in a public school) with your bottom aimed over the toilet bowl. You then empty your bowels from a height of 5-6 feet into the toilet. If a sufficient size log is produced the results is a massive splash down resembling a WWII navy battle.

Caution: Always employ a 'look out' before attempting.

Cleaner - "What the fuck's happened here! Someone done a bomber or what!!!"
by The Spike February 23, 2007
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