when a man takes a mouse or rat trap to a woman’s nipples to squeeze the milk out when he is thirsty.
when chris gets home he is so thirsty he needs a rat trap!
by anonamouse April 8, 2003
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The act of luring someone into a locker room for the sole purpose of releasing your homosexual Asian friends on them then turning the lights out and fleeing
Guy: you got me! That was one hell of a Chinese rat trap!
Guy 2: one of them was from Thailand
by Slim Rick July 14, 2019
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when a female with braces gives head to a man for the first time

2. i cant believe you risked that
by GOGGLES-bp July 23, 2011
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Shoving a gerbil or rat (or any other small rodent) inside of one's anus.
Austin had to go to the hospital because he did a Dutch Rat Trap last night.
by Poonslayer200016 September 16, 2015
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a sexual position performed by a man with a ferocious boner.
from behind your woman you put her in a full-nelson.
lift her off the ground with your boner/leg strength.
slam her facefirst into a hard surface, therefore looking like a rat trap...
"dude i mongolian rat trapped my girlfriend last night into my glass coffee table."
"nice mann... why is it called (mongolian)?"
"i dont know.."
by Oliver Clozov December 31, 2008
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Take 4 strong laxatives and immediately Place a wild field mouse deep (and I mean Deep) inside your loves anus and proceed to spray a entire can of canned cheesed (preferably KrafT) into the butthole, The field mouse will then begin to slowly eat its way out causing a tingling sensation this will enhance the laxative and cause an explosion of cheese/shit/and hopefully a mouse into your face. You then proceed to put the mouse back in for seconds (if it came out) and continue the process until the laxatives lose effect.

n. Hello mam, how would you like to come back to my home and enjoy a nice twin city rat trap?

That twin city rat trap really is kind of like a human fondue
by oxEveryonePoopsxo February 12, 2009
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