adj. describes the silence that ensues when you say something that let's your stalkee know you've been stalking them.
Dude, you're not even facebook friends, you shouldn't know that about her.

I know. That was stalkward.
by gt6driver October 25, 2012
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something that is both awkward, and stalker-ish
Ben: "I want to have you baby!"

by RoboBoogy May 1, 2011
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a combination of the words "stalk" and "awkward", used to describe a person that is strangely and inexplicably informed/knowledgeable of another person's activities; also used to describe situations in which you could conclude that you were being followed/watched but probably not, and so it is just awkward.
"Oh man, how did he know that I went to Richmond yesterday? I haven't seen him in three months! That is so stalkward."

"This is getting a little stalkward. This is the fourth day in a row that I've bumped into you."
by iamlit May 14, 2009
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(adj.) an awkward situation caused by running into someone that quite possibly is stalking you
Woah, dude. How did she know that we were going to be here? Wasn't that stalkward?
by jicky98 January 17, 2009
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To awkwardly stalk someone.
"Hey! Isn't that the guy who was siting behind us on the bus yesterday?"
"Ah, stalkward."
"Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?"
"No, I don't think so"
"No I do! Oh I know, from social networking site.....oh..stalkward."
by Miss KTrain November 20, 2008
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When talking with someone in person, trying not to seem like you know too much about them despite having stalked them on Facebook and knowing details of their life.
I have a feeling that this guy is Stalkwarding me
by Interius July 16, 2021
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Awkward situation when it become obvious to someone else you have been stalking them on social media.
It was totally stalkward when I asked the new girl at work about the party she went to this weekend that I only knew about because I stalked her on facebook.
by crpetemv November 5, 2015
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