A stereotype autistic people are often given due to people making specific assumptions and categorizing us into one group. The truth is that the Autism spectrum consists of many different personalities and the only thing that makes us stand out is our inability to understand social situations as easily.
person: So you have Autism?
Me: Yes I’m autistic.
person: So you’re like Rain Man?
Me: What no, omg. I just have a harder time understanding social situations than most people.
person: So you’re like one of those cold hearted calculated individuals who doesn’t let emotions get to you.
Me: Omg no, we still feel the same emotions and everything. We just have a harder time with understanding different people’s motives and how to interact with them.
person: Oh I get it. You’re one of those naive individuals who gets taken advantage of easily.
Me: (facepalm)
by Dubiks January 1, 2019
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The ability to recount numerous stories on BBG chat at will that other people have long since forgotten about. Sometimes verging on higher level.
13:58:51 Joe Bloggs : What are you upto this weekend?
13:58:51 Rain Man: 08:32 Joe Bloggs : What are you upto this weekend?
by Special DK January 11, 2011
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to go off on a tangent

come out with a load of crap

to talk gibberish or talk about something and makes no sense which is not relevant to that conversation

There will be complete silence then someone will make a random / bizarre statement out of the blue
***complete silence***(on warm sunny day)

Rain Man: I love rain drops
by HoochieGirl June 30, 2005
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Someone who is trying to make a business selling a shady and questionable service or product. He gets some good rep if it happens to work. If it does not do jack, he's got your cash.
''Yo bro this guy has a diet pill that can make me lose 50 lbs in a week, son. I'm totally buying it!''

-''Sounds like a rain man to me. He'll bounce after he grabs your cash.''

-''You just jealous, man."
by SunDun February 27, 2010
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To throw a fit, making noises and slapping ones self about the head.
If they don't have my food done soon, I'm gonna go all rain man on their ass.
by iluvmako December 29, 2011
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Ejaculate. Falling semen. The liquid excretion following male sexual stimulation.
Oh man, I flooded that stripper's face with so much man rain, it damaged her wood flooring. If you like penis coladas, and getting caught in man rain... penis colada jiz fizz load baby batter throat yogurt
by Gildster January 14, 2014
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The process of washing your car and having it rain the next day.
God damn it Chad, I washed my car yesterday and its already raining. Dude thats the white man rain dance.
by DBCdestroyers September 18, 2011
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