popov is vodka that you only drink if you cant afford shit else. it tastes like rubbing alcohol. popov is sick as hell. it tastes less shitty with apple juice
all we had was 8 bucks, so we had to get popov, it was nasty as hell but once we mixed it with apple juice, it wasnt so bad.
by popovandapplejuice March 12, 2005
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popovs is the devil's semen
last night we bought popovs and i drank the whole bottle; i ended up killing two pregnant woman and raping my grandmother and i dont remember any of it.
by ____________! April 3, 2007
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The unexpected arrival of police at a party. Usually followed by intense fear of being caught performing illegal activities. Happens so often at frat parties that it really should just be expected.
A: "Dude, we had a popover last night. Luckily the drunkest people were passed out already"
B: "Bananas."

A: "Brah, turn that shit down, we're 'bout to have a popover."
B: "Oh shit better put out dis blunt"

A: "Andy, you know what we haven't done in a long time?"
Andy: "No...what?"
A: "A popover. Let's go catch some underage drinkers and make them piss their pants in fear before we give them a noise citation."
Andy: "Being the embodiment of authority rules!"
by mlo0352 January 27, 2012
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The preferred beverage for solo practitioners and other low-life lawyers who can't afford shit else.
I was walking past a law office yesterday morning when a solo practitioner leaned out of his window and shouted obscenities at me; bottle of Popov clenched in hand and cheap tie waving in the wind. Pathetic what's happened to the "profession" of law these days.
by TTToileteer September 6, 2008
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an attractive person who's confusing in that sometimes they seem adorable and sometimes they look much older than they are
1- what the hell, you said she was a crazy hot older chick, she's freakin 14
2- i swear last night she looked--
1- eh she's still pretty damn cute, hell i'm goin for it
2- be careful, she's a popov, ultimate jailbait
by o2428349123-097 December 23, 2009
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