To go over someone's house without them knowing. Usually resulting in punches, and yelling from the victim towards the people doing the popover
Dude Eric was pissed when we did that popover the other day; we got him in the middle of his porn session.
by AYYYYYY-RAAABBBBB July 31, 2011
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1. The drink of the gods.

2. A delicious vodka that is often consumed in large amounts by highschool and college students due to its great price.

3. A cheap vodka that is sold as cheap as 12.99 for a 1.75

4. Favorite beverage of the MHS class of 2006.
Freind1- I can't wait until this weekend, I'm gunna slay so many hoodrats.
Friend2- Werd me too, but first need to go to Casse Liquors and get some Popov
by Mahopac Maniac November 16, 2006
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popov is vodka that you only drink if you cant afford shit else. it tastes like rubbing alcohol. popov is sick as hell. it tastes less shitty with apple juice
all we had was 8 bucks, so we had to get popov, it was nasty as hell but once we mixed it with apple juice, it wasnt so bad.
by popovandapplejuice March 12, 2005
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popovs is the devil's semen
last night we bought popovs and i drank the whole bottle; i ended up killing two pregnant woman and raping my grandmother and i dont remember any of it.
by ____________! April 3, 2007
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The unexpected arrival of police at a party. Usually followed by intense fear of being caught performing illegal activities. Happens so often at frat parties that it really should just be expected.
A: "Dude, we had a popover last night. Luckily the drunkest people were passed out already"
B: "Bananas."

A: "Brah, turn that shit down, we're 'bout to have a popover."
B: "Oh shit better put out dis blunt"

A: "Andy, you know what we haven't done in a long time?"
Andy: "No...what?"
A: "A popover. Let's go catch some underage drinkers and make them piss their pants in fear before we give them a noise citation."
Andy: "Being the embodiment of authority rules!"
by mlo0352 January 27, 2012
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