When a person is on the dance floor moving around like they are picking dicks out of the air
Will someone go tell Dennis to stop dick picken it's embarrassing
by Dizzle6303 January 22, 2016
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when there is a lack of the opposite sex around
"damn dawg it is slim pickens tonight, where are all of the hottiemonjaros, how am I a suppose to get a quality blowjob if there are no females to deliver, DAMN IT!"

"If this party is another one of your slim picken parties I'm going to stab you fosho"
by the st3 October 6, 2005
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Scars left on ones face from continuing to pick due to excessive smoking of meth
She has some serious picken pox on her face, she"s straight smoked out
by spakleboy December 3, 2013
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a mixture of narcotic residue and left overs
I got cuaght doing some picken mix, bro.
by emilyknowsitall January 30, 2011
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searching for narcotic residue on floor on hands and knees.
The bitch was chicken picken on the floor for crack all night.
by lapipaprincess February 3, 2009
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A Tanner Pickens is the most awesome person you will ever meet. He is the funniest, coolest, most popular, nicest, amazing, fit, sexy guy you know. Everybody loves a Tanner Pickens.
David: Man that knew guy looks like he could be a tanner Pickens.
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