there are several meanings for a nong...
1. a foolish person who is ill informed of a matter of discussion
2. a individual who argues a matter with such conviction only to find themselves corrected with a single sentence or argument. they are then on labelled as a "nong". in extreme cases of argument, they are named the nongiest of the week.
3. a person who over uses the word "nong" calling it out in totally impertinent situations. the person under direct attack then has the right (almost the obligation) to turn on their attacker and call out "nong!" in a descending tone, the peak of the sound being in the conjunction "no-"
you----(prolonged) NONG!
by the nongiest of the weak May 31, 2003
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Generally, a clueless weirdo who is incredibly silly (can have other general meanings).
Diana: that's so pants!

Evie: what?
Diana: zomgosh you're such a nong!
by EVIE TRAN August 17, 2009
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A Singaporean slang of multicultural influences which means - An intelligent and charming person, usually with great cooking skills
Wow, Nong!
by rabbyster March 22, 2012
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adj/n/v/adv a word with no meaning, used to piss off people with no sense of humor.
dante: you're totally a nong
jason: i'm NOT a nong!
dante: dude. you're a nong. i nonged you.
jason: aaaarg i'm pissed off! I'm NOT a nong!
by Dante Collins May 16, 2004
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"You're an unemployable, infantile nong."
by TimeForACrusade October 29, 2018
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Describes a person who is adorable, hot and has the best killer smile
Wow he's definitely a nong-nong (农-农)
by taehyungswife March 16, 2018
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A nong wrapper is often identified as a slippery piece of clothing that goes on the male genitals. In Australian slang a nong wrapper is a condom
"come on baby stick it in me"
"just wait a sec i need to put on my nong wrapper"
by BlackishPanda October 27, 2015
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