New Bedford is just south of Boston. One of the largest cities in Massachusetts, high crime and homicide rate, drug dealers of every race on almost every street, 3/4 of the city is poor, fiends and crack heads, dangerous at night and in the day. Divided between the Southend, Westend, Northend, and Downtown/Waterfront. Holds the title for largest cocaine bust in Massachusetts history, 251 Kilograms of pure fishscale. Fued between United Front Housing Projects & Monte's Park gang.
New Bedford, MA is the shity city. Watch your back around here.
by CrackMastaFlex July 11, 2008
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New Bedford small, old city in Southcoast, MA. It's called New B, Beffud, New Beige by the portugees. Most of the population is either Cape Verdian or Portuguese.

Honestly, New Bedford is crime and weed ridden. West End and South end are typicall the least safe. The North end is the safest part of New Bedford, especially "Far North" or Sassaquin, which everyone knows isn't really New Bedford by social standards.

The ghetto is dominant. Nearly every kid has had a Sidekick, half of them stolen. Nike Air Forces used to be one of the biggest trends, but nearly every foot you see in New Bedford has Jordans on.

The alt/music scene, though, is actually quite prominent. Everyone goes to shows; half the bands are hardcore, half of them pop punk, but at the end of the day, they all pay respects to Half Hearted Hero, New Bedford's most well known band.

Everyone goes to New Bedford High. There's a fight every day, and everyone uses the excuse, 'there was a fight!' to be late to class, and the teachers almost always accept it as a legit excuse.

Downtown New Bedford, is different than most of New Bedford. While associated with the music scene as well, downtown is more closely related to art, the city's history, and culture. No Problemo and The Green Bean are well known. Solstice is heaven to skaters. The Whaling Museum, is the main representation of what New Bedford was famous for years ago.

Everyone knows and has been to the Whaling City Festival and Madiera Fest.
New Bedford kid: 'She legit stepped on my Jordans.'
by InNewBeffudBitch January 20, 2010
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in massacuhsettes , south is horrible , stabbinqs shootinq. west has the most projects and is horrible tooo , north is pretttty qoood dependinq on what part your at , the ave is to drive by bumpinq systems or sittinq on the wall showinq off you whip.everyone qoes to NBHS or niqht skool if your lucky u qet accepted to voc . you qet kicked outta NBHS 4 havinq a weapon you qo to west side school were student have to qo thru a metal detector. lots of pretty much rep south or west or qanq , lots of projects , West Lawn is realllll trashy , UFP is danqourous , bricky is livable Prezzi isnt all that bad , Blue Medows is hoood , Nashmont is quiet. Montes Park , you WILL qet shot if you dont belonq , the ledqe is for skaters ,the best part of NB is sassaquin even tho we all noe it aint fuckinq newbedford , theres a fiqht everyday at NBHS, ppl classs, drop out , qet kicked out , everyone skip school and walks to southend beach for the day , there are some qood kids , not many. madirea feast is to qet drunk & qet dressed up. Whalinq city fesivle is to hanq out, danqrous tho. everyone qot in a fiqht before , homeless people sleep in the buss termanal & stand on courners with siqns askinq for money , quats, most are illeqal. alot of pregnants. you hear the word nigga at lease 1OO times a day , noone snitches , we dont all look qhetto we dress qood & have sidekicks ipods ect., thats what we do ,at niqht run around steelinq for cars ,there are 3O unsolved murders since 2OOO..
New Bedford is crazy , be careful.
by WestSideBanqqa // May 1, 2010
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City in Southeastern Massachusetts, located in Bristol County. About 90% of the population is Portuguese descent. It's probably the most Portuguese city in the US. A lot of gangs, drugs, violence, shit like that. It's a real ghetto in most parts.
I lived in New Bedford for over 25 years, & I fucking hate it. I gotta get the fuck out.
by baddboyy October 19, 2011
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New Bedford is another ghetto city filled with drug dealers and gangs. I visited there as a tourist and got robbed at gun point in broad daylight. Be careful what areas you go to especially, the South & Westends of it.
Don't walk the streets of New Bedford MA, with out a gun, or with money and jewlery.
by BIGMANON CAMPUS July 11, 2008
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New Bedford: A diamond in the rough. If it wasn't for the crackhead fishermen bringing the best of the drugs known to man...our city would be wonderful! But that's the mayor's job to clean that DO YOUR JOB LANG!

Dunkin' on every other corner, hey! what's better than that!

A city where you feel welcome... just watch your back. Yes the people smile and say hello as they walk by, but god knows what their intentions are!
A place where if you want KFC...go before dinnertime! Otherwise you've got a 45min wait on your hands!

And yes, you will actually see people on the front porch drinking grape kool-aid and braiding hair!!!
"Hey mama, go get some fried chicken Tamika is coming ova to hook a niggah up wit some braids...gotta feed her so I don't have to owe her any fava's! These bitches in New Bedford are greedy"
by LivinLaVida August 20, 2008
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Lou: hey bro wanna go chill on my boat?
Bobby: sure but I gotta go home to change my pants.
Lou: why??
Bobby: New Bedford Splatter.
Lou: ??????????????
Bobby: had linguica for lunch.
Lou: ????????
Bobby: mad diarrhea bro.
Lou: you sick fuck. Get out of my car now!
Bobby: sorry bro.
by affluent geoffrey July 20, 2019
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