lucca is an animal, a cross-breed between a spaniel and a cat high on marijuana. the lucca has a tendency to excrete on sidewalks and sing opera songs about bob marley. there are a lot of things to say about the lucca but it would take a few novels to explain everything about the lucca. but what I can say is the lucca is a bit of a mongoose.
omg look a lucca! why is it walking sideways?!
by poseidonswagbag October 6, 2013
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The most beautiful person a person will ever meet. She makes u smile and laugh and much more at once. She looks better then anyone and sings like and angel. All the guys want her and u do too.

She basicly the defanition of goals and u know it
by CallMeTrashPlz August 20, 2017
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A friend of Crono, who is the main character in Chrono Trigger. She's an inventor.
Lucca: (About passed out guard) This is what happens to the fool who challenges the mighty Lucca! Ha-hahaha!
by Nick July 7, 2003
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Lucca you’re illegal, get out of my country!
by LilNiglett October 19, 2021
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a hipster; usually consists with a fixed gear bicycle and a flannel of some sort.
If you go to williamsburg you'll find a lot of Luccas walking around
by wahsahbee April 2, 2009
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Someone who sucks at rainbow,has a small cock, stupid, likes ira, and has an idol that he learns everything from named Sean.
Man you suck you small penis retard go and ask Sean how to be normal Lucca
by I hate lucca November 18, 2018
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A guy who says he every nationality as if he's collecting pokemon cards.
I cant believe Lucca is German, Polish, Scotish, Turkish and Chinese all in the same person.
by Mr_honey7 March 20, 2022
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