I´m scared of bums, so what?
Not just because they stink bad
Not just because they're crackers
From drinking too much Lysol
by Hanzo June 24, 2004
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Ho-bo-pho-bic: a) N: One who is afrade of the homeless. A fear of people with long dirty beards and excessive overcoats in summer. Frightened by those with shopping carts.
They say that if you're afraide of gays then it secretly means you're gay. I'm afrade of homeless people, so this explains my recent layoff and jump in rent.
by Macadaciouse May 9, 2004
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One who is afraid of hobos/hobosexuals.
by Xarionis A.k.A Omnivore. December 3, 2003
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N: fear of hobos, homeless people and street dwellers
If I had known how hobophobic he was, I would not have walked in downtown LA with him.
by Lizard boots and Lipshitz August 13, 2019
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discriminating against, making fun of or otherwise being Anti towards Homeless people (Hobos)
Ed: did you see that bum playing amazing grace on the penny whistle? why doesn't he get a real job?

Dave: you're so Hobophobic.
by J Kelso October 23, 2007
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someone who is racist against homeless people
Corey...you are such a hobophob...those stanky old men sometimes buy the underaged alcohol..dont be a recist
by Chucker Mike May 6, 2003
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(n) a person that is afraid of hobos. (adj.)hobophobic - to be afraid of hobos.
John is a really big hobophobe. Anytime he sees a homeless person walking on the street, he freaks out.
by Jordan G. January 19, 2008
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