A sexual maneuver where you pinch a woman's clit between your index finder and thumb and gently yet quickly rub your fingers back and forth like a grasshopper rubs it's legs.
Bill: "did you get her off?"
John: "yeah, I gave her the grasshopper till she started chirping".
by Anim8or123 April 12, 2011
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football team in Zürich.
the best damn club in Switzerland!
Wir sind einfach das beste
by GCZ August 27, 2004
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Grasshopper is the equivalent to a hundred dollar note in Australian currency.
My mate slapped a grasshopper on the bar and brought a round.
by Holden M. Caulfield December 30, 2005
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Someone's who only goes to another person's house if they know that that other person has weed.
Pete: Man why did Mark go to that bitch Glorias house? She's such a hoe.

Steve: Man, he only went cause she had that mary jane. He's such a grasshopper.

by DaMagician May 3, 2006
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A novice or occasional pot smoker, or a weed mooch. Someone who smokes pot whenever it is offered to them, but doesn't go out of their way to find it.
Dan's a real grasshopper: he never goes looking, but he's always ready to hit when we pull out the bong.
by fasteddie08 December 19, 2005
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Someone who jumps another person for weed.
Yo Nick is a grasshopper. He just hopped that dude for his weed.
by oh true July 20, 2008
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