cunt-faced - way to drunk but cant do anything about it.
man asks friend in the pub "how do you feel?"
friend replies "absolultly cunt faced!"
by mark strotton October 2, 2006
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a person who has a hare lip and/or cleft palate
The missionary doctor went to Peru and fixed a bunch of cunt faces.
by England phi beta gamma June 23, 2007
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Denotes an extreme state of inebriation, synonyms include geebagged, bladdered and wankered
I swear to God, I have never in my life been so cunt-faced as I was last night after that triple-blue aftershock and redbull in a pint glass with ice.
by James Gaffney December 1, 2004
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A cunt face is a childish bitch who gets on your last motherfucking nerve, who doesn’t do anything when asked to, and annoys the shit out of everyone around them especially when you have a class with them.
by Asspickle21 May 12, 2019
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A term used as an insult - first discovered over a game of PES it is believed. Meaning just what it says, and should only be used as an insult to someone who is the below any other insult - it is the worst insult possible!
Jon sees Michael fuckin his mam
Jon exclaims...
"OMG - you absolute cunt face!"
by warrenpeace7 January 18, 2006
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1. N. A woman whose facial features lack any form of beauty.
2. N. Something to never call your GF.
3. N. What chu call a hoe when she's givin' you attitude!
Pimp 1: That hoe is givin' me attitude!
Pimp 2: Slap dat Cunt Face in da mouth!
by Thedeadhead04 May 16, 2008
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