a good-ass drink
Kali: I am drinking cherry coke

Jen: OMG! SO AM I!

Anna: fux0rs I am not =(

Kali and Jen: AHAHAHA
by theeclique November 16, 2003
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The nose bleed that results from doing too much blow
"After doing one huge rail too many, I ended up with Cherry Coke gushing out my nose"
by Partykrasher December 22, 2009
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The action of taking someone's virginity, AKA popping their "cherry", either followed by or preceded by snorting a line of cocaine.
Dude, last night's party was lit! I did a Cherry Coke and was up for hours on end screwing Vanessa!
by TheodoreRobertBundy November 8, 2023
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when u get a nosebleed from snorting coke and it gets in ur stash
NOOOOOO! ok let this cherry coke dry out and well blow it when it does
by hibberd is gay September 21, 2005
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The fluid result of when a man eats out a woman on her period while wearing coke flavored chap stick.
Herald collected the Cherry coke flowing from his mother's vagina after he had finished pleasuring her orally.
by maxi-pad. December 28, 2016
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cherry coke is a woman or girl's pussy when she is having her period.
Tyrone: I'm all about eating that pussy
LaTanya: Sorry honey, I'm on the rag
Tyrone: It's cool; I like cherry coke
by abnonomer June 26, 2005
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Slang for bisexual i.e. attracted to both men and women
she's cherry coke, won't share her girlfriend :(
by Tricky May 24, 2004
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