A woman with four kids fathered by four different men.
I stood in line at the grocery store and marveled at the 4 by 4 in front of me trying to use her WIC coupons to buy cigarettes.
by Fedupgov February 20, 2010
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Text and messaging speak for the phrase "for sure". The ~ (tilde) represents a wave coming into the shore.
This was adapted from a hand gesture where one would put 4 fingers up and then mime a wave with that arm coming in to meet the shore, which is the other arm.
Jim: coming tonight?
Fred: 4~
by Sean Benson May 15, 2007
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A symbol when turned on it's side, looks like a very unhappy man wearing a beakmask. It is just simply called beakface.
Miranda: Ugh, I don't want to do all this homework.
Nate: Ugh, I know :4
by Miranate December 22, 2010
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the only number with as many letters as its value.
the number 4 is spelled with 4 letters
by Donald E. Baser June 17, 2008
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The <4 is similar to the <3. It is just a heart with a little more meaning to it. The 4 stands for 4 ever/ forever.
by Cprim<4 October 26, 2012
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the world revolves around the number 4...
coincidence... i think not!!!!!!
by 4sgalore August 23, 2007
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