v. To lose badly or be prevailed over another to a great degree, usually in a some form of competition or verbal disagreement.

2.Much like the word sonned, but to a much more greater extent.

3.A comeback after being sonned
1. Nick was fathered by me in that game of poker.

2. Jim was completely fathered in that basketball game yesterday. He lost 21 to 3

3. Jimmy tried to son that dude with slam dunk but that guy fathered him and smacked it out his hands.
by Jim Jam November 1, 2005
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A mythical creature said to be on a very long quest to get the ultimate treasure milk
Son: father I like anime women

Father: well son we just actually ran out of milk I’m gonna go get some at the store
by Your_large_mother ಠ_ಠ January 29, 2022
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A mythical being often said the be the male half/ sperm doner of a childs parental party. Very few have ever been seen
by GrammerGrimReaper April 9, 2019
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The guy who went for milk!
Hey where’s my father?
He went for milk 16 years ago.
by Levinrhoads November 27, 2019
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That person that was never in ur life

Oh father, I wish you were here
by DatMemeDude February 6, 2018
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My father is one big motherfucker.
My mum's a father fucker.
My fucker fucked a dad and a mom yesterday.
I am a fucker.
by CREAM (look up band) July 3, 2014
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the opposite of fatherless. used to describe a statement/person that you agree with
person 1: “dream stans suck
person 2: “that’s a fatherful opinion
by analtumors58 December 31, 2022
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