An overwhelming feeling of sexual attraction for another person. Usually defined by increased heart rate, heat in erogenous zones and occasional staring and sweating. Can manifest itself with alcoholic beverage consumption, appropriate music, dinner or clever conversation.

Can occur in a single individual but is most often enjoyed with a minimum of two willing participants.
"After the conversation I had with that hot chick, I got hit with the wantness real bad."
by Caelifer February 9, 2010
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to show extreme distaste for or to not want
Tom- i am going to make your asshole sore

Kyle- not want!
by rawr rawr and more rawr March 13, 2008
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possibly the worlds most amazing and gorgeous boyband formed of nathan sykes = yummmmm. max george = yum. tom parker = ooft. siva kaneswaren = nom. jay mcguiness = javatarishous. yah yah yah they are mint ;D
oh hey the wanted are fit as
have you heard all time low by the wanted? its amazing
the wanted fill all the vacancys in my heart
by twloljk September 26, 2010
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a wonderful "ladband" (not a boyband) from the UK.
They all actually have really great voices. I saw them live so anyone who says otherwise is just trying to act like they know everything about music.
Sure, they might be a bit fluffy and their songs might not be all that deep and meaningful but they definitely have talent

They are also pretty attractive
the band consists of...
Max George, Tom Parker, Nathan Sykes, Jay McGuiness, and Siva Kansewaren.
Girl #1- Did you go see The Wanted last night?

Girl #2- Yea. I'm not a huge fan of that type of music but they all were pretty good singers.

Girl #1- OMG. You'r so lucky. I love them
by seatdrawer November 11, 2011
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The most beautiful looking and sounding band of boys that God could have possibly created. They are all so gorgeous, with thier beautiful accents and appeal. If only I could meet them all, very illegal things would be done.
Dude who was that singing on the radio? They're hot.

Oh it was just The Wanted boys. They're glad we came.
by lrubio March 19, 2012
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a phrase difficult to say aloud correctly, and is thus heard as ‘wanna’.
Try to say the sentence “I do not not want to eat it.” korrectly; in order to do so, you will sound nasaly, sort-of like a stuck-up French person. Just be sure that y‘are not actually saying ‘wants to’. If you say it too many times, your ‘d’ in ‘do-not’ starts sounding different.
by Victor Van Styn August 27, 2005
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Used to describe a highly desirable thing. The new lit (a term that lost favour after it was used by a certain world leader), 'want' can be used to express appreciation and desire.

For example:
"You look want in those speedo's"

"Your new product is want"

"That burger is want"

"I want you because you are totally want"
by Lalihawke October 26, 2018
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