When you planning on celebrating steak and blowjob day on March 14, but auto correct intervenes, again.
I want to put some shrimp on the barbie, find a hot Sheila, have some steaks and duck your cock. Damnit autocorrect I meant suck.
by JZKees March 14, 2022
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To talk nonsense. To talk out your ass. Spew bullshit.
Go on, bump your gums, you little maggot. Aint no one believe you anyway
by Snumgla June 10, 2023
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Pay attention to your needy girlfriend.

The origin is from an E-40 song "Captain Save A Hoe"
The reference line is "You should have had your cape on tight that night."
Guy's girlfriend " Heyy what are u doin right now can I come through??"

Other guy "Tell your boyfriend to tighten his cape"

"My girlfriend is gonna leave me"
"Tighten your cape"
by Cthuluu January 13, 2013
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Insults Someone uses when he answers a question wrong
Ti Seng: So Zhong Ann what is 1 + 1?
Zhong Ann: 1258.
Ti Seng: Your Head, its 2.
Ti Seng: how the fuck did you get 1258
by YourWelcomeGuys June 2, 2022
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Mostly said on the East Coast of Australia: Used when someone says or does something out of line, just check yourself there mate that's a bit retarded.
Simon that's enough out of you, either pull your face in or get fucked.
by Pull Brain April 5, 2017
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A play on "Shoot your shot" when asking someone out, to "shat your shot" means you asked the person out, but you botched it with the result that you were rejected.
You "shat your shot" when you botch a proposal to ask someone on a date. For example, saying the wrong name.

:::Asking out Becky:::
"Hi! I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies, Cindy."
You just shat your shot.
by The Languager October 28, 2023
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