Grunge band from Arberdeen, WA made up by Kurt Cobain (guitar/vocals) Novoselic (bass), and Dave Ghrol (drums). Chad Channing played drums for the first album Bleach but left. Nirvana brought grunge out of Washington, thus killing the mainstream like of metal.

Nirvana is most known for the song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and the album Nevermind. FYI, both of these songs sucked, a lot. Most people do not know what Nirvana is, they probably only know what plays on KROQ, most likely Teen Spirit, All Apologies, Polly, Heart Shaped Box, and Come as You Are. These are terrible songs. Listen to the albums Bleach, Incesticide, In Utero, and the With the Lights out Collection. They are way better than what you hear on the radio.

The band ended in 1994 due to Kurt Cobain's death. Most people, often haters and stupid people, say Kurt Cobain was stupid and killed himself. But, he had 1.52mg per liter of heroin in his blood when he was dead, 3 times the amount to kill even the strongest addicts. That would have instantly incapacitated or killed Kurt. He could not have pulled the trigger. So shut the fuck up all you people who say he killed himself, its impossible. And if you didn't know, at the time, forensics was not as good as it is now, and a sloppy job was done on his investigation. Also, Courtney Love tried to have the man who re-opened the Cobain case fired, oh gee I wonder why.

Nirvana was the best grunge band to exist, and they, alone, killed metal. Unfortunately, after grunge died, music changed to Blink style bands, then AAR bands, then to emo and xcore crap.
Someone please be inspired by Nirvana's less heard albums, then go play grunge music and bring the world out of this sad, pathetic attempt to immitate rock. Xcore needs to be banned, but that can't happen due to the gay ass ammendments, so please please, somebody stop this bullshit going on.
by Bryan Hunt January 14, 2007
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Nirvana is to grunge as Bob Marley is to reggae
Nirvana was the greastest grunge band ever. greater than pearl jam and soundgarden will ever be if they were combined
by Just Shut Up March 7, 2009
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Nirvana is, like it or not, one if not the greatest and most influential bands of all time. To those who disagree, firstly listen to them, and feel the awesome power of Kurts uncanny knack for writing powerful and meaningful songs. listen to how his vocals change from smooth, to screeching in an instant. listen to the hook in the music of the song, especially the underlying bass (provided by krist novoselic. Then listen to some of the earlier acoustic songs (e.g early acoustic of lithium, and then final produced product) and see how kurt started out with a great song, and made it superb. after listening then do some resaerch into how nirvana changed the face of music for the better.

Kurt and good music went hand in hand. it was impossible for him to write something that turned out crap. Nirvanas lesser known and unrecorded music was/is better than most music made. And is definitely better than rap/pop/poppunk/talentless sonwriters/radio is gay.

Listen to nirvana and then you may too have eternal happiness. It is then end Nothing cannot be anything better than nirvana, and those who enjoy crpa music just cant undertand that.

To those who know of nirvanas greatness. continue to listen.
Anuerysm is one of nirvanas greatest songs yet it does not make their best of album. why is this so? because every nirvana song is a musical masterpiece and a gem.

Floyd the barber is highly underrated, if ur a fan dpnt miss out on it
by nirvana is March 1, 2005
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The best fucking band ever. A grunge band from Aberdeen, Washington who completely saved rock as we know it. Whenever a band is put in a catagory of "post grunge", it means after Nirvana.

Most people know a couple key songs like "Smells Like Teen Spirit", "Come As You Are", and (my favorite) "Lithium". They're the most kickass band ever, and if you say otherwise you're probably into rap, hip hop, pop, or some other piece of shit music.

R.I.P., Kurt Cobain.
Nirvana was a popular grunge band in the late 80's and early 90's. They made great music, and Cobain was killed not suicidal.

Don't do drugs, kiddies!
by nirvanajunkie May 13, 2006
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One of the greatest bands ever. Although don't listen to all these stupid fucks. Most of them are just idiots that say that hip hop and nu metal is crap because all the cool people say so even though they only started liking nirvana when it became cool. Stupid fucks. And the people that say they don't like nirvana...stupid fucks. You're all so stupid! AHHH!!
Nirvana would be ashamed to have fans like you, you stupid fuck!
by attractive nun December 4, 2003
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best band on the whole damn planet. some people say Kurt Cobain couldn't sing, but, man, that was all part of the music. members: Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl, and Krist Novoselic. if you own an album or want to buy one, don't just get nevermind, buy the whole fucking collection. it's worth it
The ultimate grunge band is definitely Nirvana
by zeppelinlover November 14, 2005
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A girl who is nice in some ways but has a lot of mood swings she acts tough but is very sensitive around people who she can trust and she can share all of her problems with.
Alexa and Amber are so Nirvana they usually just hang out together.
by Nirvana k. Sepulvado March 17, 2019
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