What my father uses when he's alone in the house.
My dad must've been using corn huskers lotion, this sock is wet and sticky.
by HarleenQuinn November 30, 2016
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Similar to a hand sanitizer bomb but the main ingredient being lotion. A bit messier to clean up, much more obvious to the afflicted.
Lotion Bomb
"Damn it! Now I just got hit with a hand lotion bomb!"

by forerunnerrocker June 15, 2008
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A command or ultimatum of the most serious and possibly life-threatening nature. Happens one someone careens too closely to your personal space.
Dude 1: "Dude, I took a brewski from your fridge, hope you don't mind"

Dude 2: "No sweat, bro knock yourself out!"

Dude 1: "Sweet! Then you won't mind that I pilfered some of your stash too?"

by zeromyhero January 28, 2014
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Where your partner bends over and takes a huge dump on your hands. If male, then your partner may also add semen to the mix.
I thought that "Mexican Hand Lotion" referred to some fancy brand of hand lotions from Mexico. However, I was proven otherwise when your mother gave me some last night.
by El Batman July 5, 2009
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A slightly aggressive way of telling somebody to put lotion in a basket
Buffalo Bill: It places the lotion in the basket
Catherine: I wanna see my mommy. Please no...
by jessbrown February 24, 2021
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The art of a woman going down on a man after the man has sex with one or multiple women back to back without taking a shower. This also involves the woman being unaware of the act.
Female(going down on male): You must have used lotion down here.
Male(snickering): Yea, i used Suave shampoo/Strawberry lotion, do you like it?
Male(saying to himself): Bitch, dont ever say youve never eaten any pussy.....hahahahhaha
by ANDERURRYICK October 30, 2007
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